Ex Parte

Ex Parte - Commissioner Court (Room 129 Zoom Link)

Ex Parte matters are heard on Monday through Friday from 9:00 – 11:00 a.m. and from 1:30 – 3:30 p.m. in the County City Building, Courtroom 129. 

The Ex Parte Department hears:

  • Ex Parte Mail
  • Agreed Orders
  • Defaults and Other Uncontested Orders
  • Emergency Motions. 

Local rules require that certain orders be submitted electronically. For further details please read the Ex Parte Policy. Ex Parte Policy

Scheduling Hearings in Ex Parte (Instructions on How to Appear in Ex Parte)

Other than mandatory electronic mail submissions, ex parte matters are heard in person or by ZOOM.

Contact Commissioner Services Department at (253) 798-6697 or by emailing supcsd@piercecountywa.gov for requests for immediate emergency guardianship orders.  Generally, 24-hour notice must be provided to the opposing party (as well as a copy of the motion and any other supporting documentation) unless waived by the Commissioner.  Moving party must appear in person, the non-moving party can appear in person or via Zoom (ZOOM Link).  Requests for Immediate Restraining Orders are on a walk-in basis, once notice has been provided to the other party.  We no longer schedule these hearings. 

The moving party must provide the court with the names and dates of birth for all adults in either household and the email address for those that will be appearing via ZOOM.  No Ex Parte matters will be scheduled after 10:30 am and 3:00 pm.   The proposed Orders shall be provided by the moving party.